Private Party Transfer Instructions

New MD Law and Federal Instructions

As of March 13, 2021, Marylanders are no longer able to transfer unregulated guns (i.e. rifles/shotguns that aren't on the banned list) between private parties and will need to go through an FFL.

This new law sucks and I don't think that the govt needs to be involved in private transactions between individuals but as an FFL, I will facilitate compliance with this new law

If you don't like this law, vote against the people who enacted it!

Here are the BATFE guidelines for this and the SB208 text.

Facilitating Private Sales: A Federal Firearms Licensee Guide



Determine if the long gun is regulated / banned (all pistols and stripped AR lowers are regulated per MDSP Advisory)

Here are the MSP instructions on determining if a long gun is regulated

Both the transferror and transferee need to request (via the email address at the bottom of this page) that Accuforge facilitate a private party transfer and agree with Accuforge on an appointment date/time to come for the transfer.

Transfer cost is $50 (cash) or $25 (cash) for NRA, MSI, GOA, SAF, or BRGC members [if you own firearms you should support protecting our 2A rights]

I prefer for both parties to be present at the transfer. If the firearm is left in my possession, the original owner will need to have a background check if the transfer is CANCELLED or DENIED. Please refer to the Facilitaing Private Sales document for a description of all possible outcomes and procedure. There is a flowchart from this document at the bottom of this page also.

Transfer Policies (Please actually review these)

ATF Flowchart HERE